The surface of concrete floors usually presents many irregularities, making it difficult to install tiles, carpet, plastic flooring, etc.
The successful application of such coatings requires the formation of a flat, smooth and durable surface. The application of the self-leveling, resinous cement mortar FLOWCRET 1-10 is the ideal solution for the above cases. It is recommended for leveling and smoothing surfaces, which are to receive various coatings, such as tiles, carpet, plastic floor, etc. It can also work as a final coating for floors in basements, attics, home warehouses, etc.
Substrate preparation
The substrate must be stable and free from dust, dirt, oil, loose materials, etc. The surface is primed with the acrylic primer UNI-PRIMER and allowed to dry for approximately two hours.
Application of FLOWCRET 1-10
A 25 kg bag of FLOWCRET 1-10 is added to 6.50 kg of water under constant stirring, until a uniform fluid mass without lumps is created. Use a low-speed drill (300 rpm) for mixing. The mass of FLOWCRET 1-10 is spread in one layer with the help of a large (rubber) trowel, up to 10 mm thick.
To release any entrapped air in the applied self-leveling coating, the surface must be rolled with a special spiked roller to prevent the formation of bubbles. For greater thicknesses, up to 30 mm, it is recommended to use FLOWCRET 3-30 EXPRESS, which is fast setting.
The temperature during application must be between +5°C and +35°C.